Decoding CCUS: Its role and potential to support Climate Change efforts

March 6, 2025

Climate change is altering the fabric of our society, dictating our daily lives, consumption patterns, and our relationship with the environment. According to the authors of Virtuous Circles: Values, Systems and Sustainability, tackling climate change is now humanity’s foremost mission for the 21st century.

The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2024 report on Greenhouse Gas Emissions shows that energy use contributes to over three-quarters of all greenhouse gas emissions, with fossil fuels making up 81% of the global energy supply[2]. Power plants, heavy industries, and refineries are the main contributors[3][4], a trend that continued into 2024 when CO2 emissions surged to 427 parts per million – a sharp three ppm increase from the previous year, marking one of the largest annual rises in recorded history. In environmental science, ‘parts per million’ (ppm) is a unit used to measure the concentration of a substance in the air. For instance, a concentration of 427 ppm means that in every million air particles, 427 are carbon dioxide molecules.

In that context, Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) has emerged as a combination of technologies with the potential to play an important role in meeting Net-Zero objectives. CCUS consists of capturing and storing CO2 emissions from hard-to-abate industrial sources and power plants. It involves three key processes: capturing CO2 from emission sources, transporting it, and securely storing it. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), these technologies could capture, in 2030, a total amount of around 435 million tonnes (Mt) per year , which represents 43.5% of the 1 gigatonne per year target outlined in the International Energy Agency’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario. Although this only represents 1.2% of current global CO2 emissions (at approximately 38 Gt per year), this proportion will increase as emissions from easy-to-abate sectors decline. However, capture rates can vary substantially in practice, subject to technology and application[5][6].

Despite its promise, CCUS has its share of sceptics. Critics argue it’s an expensive detour that could hinder investment in renewable energy sources. Concerns about the long-term integrity of underground storage sites persist, coupled with fears that it may prolong the life of fossil fuel infrastructures. However, proponents argue that with the current reliance on fossil fuels and technological limitations to reduce emissions from hard-to-abate sectors, CCUS presents a pragmatic bridge towards a sustainable future.

“Carbon capture, utilisation and storage is an essential technology for achieving net zero emissions in certain sectors and circumstances, but it is not a way to retain the status quo,” states the International Energy Agency[7] in their 2023 report on the oil and gas industry’s transition to net zero emissions.

Around 45 commercial facilities are already in operation, applying carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) to industrial processes, fuel transformation, and power generation, and 700 projects are in various stages of development across the CCUS value chain[8]. This is the case for Norway with the Northern Lights project, part of the Longship initiative. This project captures CO₂ from industries, transports it by ship, and stores it under the North Sea, showing how environmental goals can align with industrial growth. Norway’s efforts also set a precedent for other European countries to follow, balancing economic progress with climate action[9][10].

Innovation in CCUS technologies is bringing new ways of capturing, utilising and/or storing CO2. One innovative approach being explored is Carbon Plume Geothermal (CPG), which uses the heat from stored CO2 to generate electricity. In this process, CO2 is used as a working fluid to extract heat from deep geological formations. The heated CO2 can then be used to generate electricity, effectively transforming stored carbon dioxide into a valuable energy resource. This approach not only helps mitigate greenhouse gas emissions but also contributes to energy production, demonstrating a creative and beneficial use of captured carbon. Ad Terra is actively involved in a CPG research consortium led by ETH Zurich.

Yet, the success of CCUS is based on more than technological capabilities. Effective project screening ensures that only the most promising initiatives are pursued, prioritising those with the highest potential for successful CO2 reduction and sustainable operation. Understanding the complexities of geomechanics ensures that injected CO2 remains securely stored beneath the Earth’s surface, preventing leaks and maintaining ecological safety. This involves deploying advanced CO2 leakage monitoring solutions, including remote sensing observation from satellites.

Moreover, developing resilient business models is essential, as cautious policy frameworks play a decisive role in the economic viability and long-term success of CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage) projects. These models are still too dependent on regulatory uncertainties and evolving policies to ensure sustainable investment and operational stability[11].

As part of our ongoing series, we will continue to explain deeper CCUS solutions, exploring how they work and the role they can play in our transition to a sustainable future. Our next articles will detail each step of the CCUS process, examining its challenges and opportunities in humanity’s efforts to combat climate change.

About this article series

This article series highlights the role of Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) in mitigating climate change and supporting the global energy transition. Each step of the process is examined, from CO2 capture technologies, transport challenges, utilisation opportunities, and geological storage options through caprock integrity considerations, operations monitoring and safety to commercialisation schemes. This series provides insights into how CCUS technologies can contribute to a sustainable future.

Carbon Capture, Use and Storage Infographic


[1] International Institute for Environment and Development. Virtuous Circles: Values, Systems and Sustainability, 2010.

[2] International Energy Agency. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Data Explorer, 2024.

[3] Earth System Science Data. The 2018 Global Carbon Budget, 2018.

[4] International Institute for Environment and Development. World Energy Outlook 2024, 2024.

[5] World Resources Institute. 7 Things to Know About Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration, November 2023.

[6] International Energy Agency. CCUS in the transition to net-zero emissions, September 2020.

[7] International Energy Agency. The Oil and Gas Industry in Net Zero Transitions, November 2023.

[8] International Energy Agency. Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, 2023.

[9] Gassnova. Regulatory Lessons Learned from Longship – The public sector’s involvement in Europe’s first industrial CCS chain, 2022.

[10] Boston Consulting Group, Outlook for Norway: Building Sustainable Industrial Advantage through the Green Transition, November 2024.

[11] International Energy Agency. Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage, Policy Section, 2023.

Federico Games (Ad Terra Consultancy)
Federico Games, Ad Terra’s Head of CCUS, is a recognised expert with over 20 years of international experience in technical, commercial, and strategic energy projects. He plays an active role in the United Nations CCUS Initiatives, serves as an expert on the EU CCUS Working Group, where he collaborates on Europe’s Industrial Carbon Management Strategy, and is the Global CCUS Director at the Society of Petroleum Engineers. He is also a member of the CO2-Plume Geothermal Research Consortium led by ETH Zurich, which explores innovative CCUS-geothermal integration. Federico’s academic background includes an MBA in renewable energy and circular economy (University of Bradford), an MSc in Reservoir Geoscience and Engineering (IFPEN, France), and a specialisation in Environmental Studies (University of Poitiers, France).

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